all about me, Nicknamed "Crown Giver" (1)
All About me, Nicknamed Crown Giver
The main objective, in my photography and video installation practice is to represent the women of the Middle east. I have worked extensively on the topic of women-hood in my country, Iran, where I live and work.
I believe there are potential qualities in each individual women, whether Iranian or Middle Eastern.
My last video project, entitled Miss Iran, contained two videos, installation of 12 digital and 10 Analogue coulor C-Type print photographs.
These pictures were placed next to a sculptural piece of (bronze) crowns.
The title of the project, Miss Iran, ironically refers to the way in which each individual women in my society could be nominated as A Miss of Iran. Historically, “Miss Iran” was an annual competition which beauty pageant targeted at young females aged 18–27 years living in Iran.
The first event was held in 1965 under the name “Spring Girl” by Zane Ruz magazine and Sima Izadju was selected as the Spring Girl. The last series of this competition was performed in Tehran 's Hilton Hotel in (1978). After 1979 the competition could not take place in Iran anymore.
In order to shoot “miss Iran’, I chose an old location with a kind of dreamy atmosphere where one might feel like everything is possible. My actresses are presented as if they are in the middle of nowhere, in an unknown place, out of time. To be Miss Iran or the “most beautiful girl’ of any country, I believe, is an absurd concern for young girls, where appearance is everything. I try to objectify it and renegotiate its context through my practice.
all about me, Nicknamed "Crown Giver" (2)
OXYS in Black & White
Oxys in Black and White A work by Tahmineh Monzavi Music: Aftab Darvishi